
Relay For Life is a life-changing event that helps communities across the globe celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hog Strong Shirts for Sale

I will be placing an order on August 17 for the New Hog shirts, and they will be shipped to me on August 30. If you would like to order one please let me know. The shirts are available in long and short sleeve. The prices are as follows:
Youth sizes are 18.00 for short and 20.00 for long.
Adult Small to XL are 18.00 for short and 20.00 for long.
Adult 2XL and 3XL are 20.00 for short and 22.00 for long.

Contact Luanne Lampman at 870/814-1253 and The checks need to be made out to Houndstooth Clothing Co. with ACS in the memo line.

Friday, August 3, 2012

T-Shirt for Sale!

Cost $20 any size. Color - dark purple. Let me know sizes and I'll order on Monday and every Monday as long as we have at least 10 shirts to order. I will need to collect money as we go - since I have to pay printer as I order them. Whatever county you are in, I'll credit your county with the profit (we make $6.75 per shirt - so many colors and shipping and tax is included is reason for cost)

Brenda Knight | Community Representative
Mid-South Division | American Cancer Society, Inc.
504 Wages Dr / P.O. Box 403 - Norphlet, AR 71759 | cancer.org
870.546.3366 | mobile: 870.918.6443 | fax: 870.546.3366

Monday, April 30, 2012

Proclamation & Shirts

Reminder:Join us today to 12:00 pm for the reading of the Proclamation by Mayor Hash on the east side of the court house across from Shelly's Shoes.

Also, tomorrow is bank night at Southern Bancorp at 5:00 pm. If you have been asked to help out we will be meeting at 4:00 pm to set up.

Thursday is the Survivor Dinner at Parkers Chapel 1st Baptist Church at 6:00 pm. If you plan on attending please let Dawne Cook know as soon as possible so we have enough food. She can be contacted at dawne_cook@murphyoilcorp.com.

Last but not least...the committee shirts are in. We have asked all committee members to donate $5.00 for their shirt. You can turn in money to Dawne Cook, Myself or Joan Tribble.
My sincere and personal THANK-YOU to each and every one of you for all you do, all you have done and all you will do this week!!! Thank-you, thank-you, Thank you!!!
Luanne Lampman

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Frigid Frog Fundraiser- This Saturday!

Parkers Chapel First Baptist Church-Relay for Life fund raiserThe Frigid Frog on 19th Street across from Home Depot will give all proceeds and tips to Relay for Life THIS Saturday, April 7 THAT IS THIS SATURDAY!!!! from 10am-7pm

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Strawberry Update!

Hello Everyone!!

Thank-you all so very much for making this a very successful fund raiser for ACS!! Woo Hoo! We are only 15 flats away from selling 100 flats! This is the update of when they will be delivered to Murphy. We will help deliver if possible. Please let me or Bryan_Ogle@murphyoilcorp.com know.

If any of you are still interested, we can take orders until Tomorrow at 12pm.
Thank-you again!!!
Luanne Lampman